Fashion & art lovers that prefer hand-made, sustainable,
small-scale, unique and vintage products.
Do I have to login?
Visitors don´t have to login.
Only sellers of products and services have to login.
How do I order a product?
You can use the order button at the product pages.
This button enables you to send a message to the seller.
The seller will contact you about closing the deal.
When do I pay for my order?
Customers pay after contact with the seller.
Payments go directly to the seller.
Order gets shipped when payment is received.
What about shipping costs?
Shipping costs are not included in the product price.
Shipping costs depend on the requirements and destination.
How does bidding work?
You can use the bid button at the product pages.
The seller will either accept or refuse your offer.
The seller may decide to show your bid on the product page.
What are participants?
Participant are sellers that make and/or sell unique products,
and small-scale local companies that offer services via Uniq Colours.
How can you apply to become a participant?
Those who are interested in selling or advertising on Uniq Colours,
are invited to contact us at
(GDPR) What happens with my data?
Uniq Colours is an online platform that connects buyers and sellers.
The actual sale takes place between buyer and seller.
We do not archive personal data sent via e-mail.
We do not process sales or payment information, and do not use tracking cookies.
No data is provided or sold to third parties.